domingo, 24 de fevereiro de 2008

How To Tell One Country From Another

Querido Umbigo:

Wheter it is possible to become lost.
Wheter one tree looks like another.
Wheter there is water all around the edges or not.
Wheter there are edges or wheter
there are just insects.

Wheter the insects bite,
wheter you would die,
from the bites of the insects.
Wheter you would die.

Wheter you would die for your country.
Wheter anyone in the country would die for your country.
Let's be honest here.
A layer of snow, a layer of granite, a layer of snow.
What you think lies under the snow.
What you think lies.

Wheter you think white on white is a state of mind
or blue on blue or green on green.
Wheter you think there is a state,
of mind.

How many clothes you have to take off
before you can make love.
This I think is important:
The undoing of buttons, the gradual shedding
of one colour after another. It leads
to the belief that what you see is not
what you get!

Wheter there are preliminaries,
hallways, vestibules,
basements, furnaces
between sentences, between pieces
of furniture, parasites in your eyes,
drinkable water.
Wheter there has ever been
an invading army.
Wheter, if there were an invanding army,
you would collaborate
Poor boy, you'd say, he looks cold
standing out there, and he's only twenty,
from his point of view this must be hell.
A fur coat is what he needs,
a cup of tea, a cup of coffee,
a warm body.
Wheter on the contrary
you'd slit his throat in his sleep
or in yours, I ask you.

So, you are a nice person.
You would behave well.
What you mean behaving well.
when the outline of a man
whose face you cannot see
appears at your bedroom window,
wheter you would shoot.
If you had a gun, that is.
Wheter you would have a gun.
It goes on.
Margaret Atwood
Este é um dos meus mais queridos poemas de sempre, recuperado à pouco tempo de um dos meus milhares de cadernos...
E o que me apetecia mesmo era ir perder-me num país, qualquer país onde fosse porssível perder-me, ou então como a Alice, ia perder-me no país das maravilhas...

2 comentários:

sandraf disse...

qualquer sítio no mundo pode ser o magnífico País das Maravilhas!!! onde estás amiga???

MoiMêMê disse...

Agora no País da Música, também é um sítio maravilhoso...
Miss U!